Kirsten Krause

Leader, Professor UiT


Kirsten is the leader of Photosyntech. She is a professor in molecular plant biology at Department of arctic and marine biology at UiT the Arctic university of Norway. She studied Biology in Hamburg, Germany, interspersed by study periods abroad in South Africa and in the USA, and followed by PhD studies at the Universities of Cologne and Kiel, Germany. She came to Tromsø, Norway, in 2006 where she continued to work primarily on two main research questions: 1. how chloroplasts (the power plants of plant cells) are integrated into the plants’ regulatory networks; and 2. what tricks of molecular camouflage parasitic plants have invented to steal the nutrients from their host plants without getting caught. We use microscopy, biochemistry and molecular genetics in our research and are starting to implement cutting edge phenotyping technologies. Our insight into basic molecular principles offer applied angles for biotechnology and agriculture.

More about Kirsten.