Innovation Spotlights in the Bioeconomy

Starting date: October 7., 2025

Registration deadline: August 15., 2025

Running dates: Oct. 7. (digital), Oct. 22.-24. ( in Steinkjer), Nov. 11. (digital), 2025

Location: Online + 3 days in Steinkjer


Course leader

Practical info

This course will run online + a 3-day workshop in Steinkjer. Nord is the responsible institution and you should apply through Nord (Course code ECO9007). Course description at Nord.

Apply for the course here (deadline Aug.15., 2025)

Important! Do not apply for a course unless you are sure that you can attend.

Course content

This course provides the students with knowledge of innovation, and commercialization of science-based knowledge in the bioeconomy. Based on these research streams we will discuss how research from the biosciences can be applied in practice and in business life. Furthermore, we will learn how to get from bioscience research and invention to the marketplace.

Innovative thinking and entrepreneurship in the bioeconomy is needed for a more sustainable global future. For instance, innovation is required in agriculture due to its vital role in feeding the world population and its importance to the economy of many regions and nations. Also, issues regarding depletion of limited natural resources, occupation of productive land, fertilization and pollution, and diminishing natural ecosystems have led to visions of circular-economy-based lifestyles that can only be realized with bioprocess-based innovations and engineering.

PhD candidates, affiliated supervisors, and research institutions within the biosciences are doing exciting, high-quality research, which may not be currently in the market. This course builds on state-of-the-art knowledge in innovation management, entrepreneurship, and commercialization to help students learn how innovations from the biosciences can increase its economic and societal impact.

The course aims to provide students with advanced transferable skills in innovation management within the bioeconomy sector. First, the course introduces the foundation and concepts of innovation, innovation management, and commercialization of science-based knowledge. Here we will introduce the general challenges and economic discourses related to entrepreneurship, innovation, and commercialization that are relevant to the biosciences.

Furthermore, we focus on the characteristics of the industries within the bioeconomy and how they challenge and influence innovation processes. This includes studying examples of innovation in traditional agriculture and new and related biotech industries. The course also gives insights into open innovation, innovative systems, and ecosystem thinking. We will study hotspots of recent innovations in the bioeconomy.

Learning outcome


  • Advanced knowledge about innovation management and the specifics of innovation related to the bioeconomy
  • Advanced knowledge of the needs, drivers and trends of innovation in the bioeconomy
  • Advanced knowledge about the development of IPR, technology transfer, and diffusion of innovation in the bioeconomy. Advanced knowledge about innovative ecosystems and collaboration within the bioeconomy


  • To analyze and critically assess the foundations of innovation in the bioeconomy
  • To identify and critically evaluate innovative opportunities for value-creation in the bioeconomy sector
  • To formulate problems, plan and carry out research and scholarly work of relevance

General competence:

  • Ability to critically read, review, present, and discuss top research papers in the area of innovation and commercialization
  • Ability to communicate research and development work and participate in a high quality academic dialogue in the area of bioeconomy innovation and commercialization
  • Ability to contribute to new knowledge in the area of bioeconomy innovation

Course dates

October 7. (4 hr digital), October 22.-24. (18 hr physical in Steinkjer), November 11. (2 hr digital).

Admission deadline

August 15., 2025.

Learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures (in-person, digital – both synchronous and asynchronous), workshops, group work, assignment work.

Admission requirements

To apply for this course you must be a PhD candidate at one of the Norwegian institutions.

The course will be arranged with a minimum number of 5 students. Maximum participants: 10.




Assessment task (written preparatory assignment with presentation, max 900 words – passed/not passed) and term paper ( max 3000 words, passed/not passed).

The content from the final course paper can be only partially used in the kappa/Ph.D. thesis and will require substantial rewriting.

Access regulation

Admitted to a Ph.D. program or have the qualifications to be admitted to a Ph.D. program. Must fulfill the English language requirements or must be from approved partner institutions. Participants from Photosyntech graduate school will be prioritized.