Secondment grants

All PhD student members are encouraged to do work placements in relevant companies.

Our secondment grant may cover your extra costs. We cover travel, accommodation and living costs (e.g. food), but not salary.

The steering committee decides who receives the secondment grants.

Step 1: Apply to Photosyntech for a secondment grant

NOTE: To apply for a grant, you must be a registered student member of Photosyntech.

There are now current grant calls availible. 2025 grants will be announced soon.

Step 2: Book and cover your costs

Once the grant has been approved you have to book your travels and cover your costs. You will get reimbursements after the secondment.

Note: this concerns only secondment grants!

  • Save all tickets receipts and boarding passes for the reimbursement process.

Step 3: Submit a claim for reimbursement

Note: this concerns only secondment grants!

After the work placement, you submit a travel reimbursement claim through your institutions travel claim system and get a local economics advisor to send us an invoice.

You can only get reimbursements if you have an approved application.