Line Kjelstrup

Cluster Manager Biotech North


Line Kjelstrup is the Cluster Manager for Biotech North, a knowledge-based industry cluster within marine biotechnology and marine health products. Biotech North is located in Tromsø, Norway, and serves the biotechnology and biomarine sectors in the northern part of the country. The goal of the cluster is to increase the members innovation and competitiveness and consolidate the position of Tromsø as “The Hot Spot for Blue Biotech”.

Kjelstrup is from Tromsø and has a Master of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture from UiT-The Arctic University of Norway. She has previously worked in the Ministry of Fisheries, Norway Seafoods and NCE Aquaculture. For 7 years she was the fisheries envoy for Norwegian Seafood Council to Sweden. And for two years she worked as Program Manager for Arctic Frontiers, before she started the job as Cluster Manager for Biotech North early 2020.


+47 99505974