Join an international community of PhD candidates across Norway conducting research on, or related to, photosynthetic eukaryotes.
Our members have a wide range of research interests within plant and algae biology, bioproduction, and biotechnology.
PhD candidates outside of Norway can sign up as associated members.
Why become a member?
A wide range of courses all over Norway
The academic community researching photosynthetic eukaryotes in Norway is widespread and small at each university. By becoming a member, you join a network with a wide range of courses to choose from. We host 15 different courses for our PhD student members all over Norway.
Networking, seminars, and social events
You get to build your own network with other PhD candidates and scientists at other institutions, clusters, and companies within your field. We also help to expand your network through seminars and social events.
Activity and internship grants
If you are an active PhD student member you get 5000 NOK each semester you are active. This should be used to cover your costs of traveling to Photosyntech courses and workshops. If you want to do an internship in a relevant company or organization we can cover your travel and accommodations.
PhD member qualifications
- PhD candidates must be admitted to a PhD program at one of the Norwegian universities.
- PhD candidates research fields should have ties to photosynthetic eukaryotes in some way, from molecules to business.
PhD member obligations
- Your activity in the school is up to you.
- To receive grants, you must be an active member .
- We also welcome members that intend to be active later on.
Why become an associate member?
PhD candidates doing their PhD projects in countries outside of Norway can become associated members to benefit from our network and our platform. Associate members can participate in webinars, courses, workshops, conferences, and our business visit tours. Associated members will not receive grants or other funding from Photosyntech. There are no obligations in being an associate member, only possibilities.